San Luis Obispo Camera Club

Photography the Fun Way

Enjoy the camaraderie of people with a common interest!

Whatever your level of experience, if you are interested in photography you'll probably enjoy our activities and members. We have a good time while learning from each other. Some of our member's images are on  SLOCC Flicker Pool page.

Our club is a non-profit organization devoted to photography as a hobby. Membership is open to all who have an interest in photography, no matter what your level of experience.

Meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month (except December).

The SLOCC Board has decided that starting in the month of May we will be conducting our monthly meetings and our next competition through Zoom, an online video conferencing program.

For general information, feel free to email us at: [email protected]

Visitors are always welcome to our meetings. To join a meeting, please send a message to [email protected] AT LEAST 24 HOURS before the meeting to receive an inviation.

February 2020 Program on Zoom

February 11, 2021

7:00 pm

Your 7 Favorite Images of 2020

The pandemic has limited some photographic options, so we’re interested in seeing what you found to photograph last year.

This is an opportunity for you to share your images and discuss what you liked about them, or how you went about creating the photographs. These don’t have to be your best images, but the ones you found to be the most compelling or challenging.

Our Zoom format in some ways has made it easier to have good discussions about photography. If you haven't shared images before, this is a great opportunity to join in. We're looking forward to seeing your images.

Please submit your images as JPEG, in the sRGB color space, and for best display on Zoom, sized to 1800 pixels on the longest side of the image to [email protected] by Noon on Thursday, February 11.  Remember to rename your images with your first name and a number, like: Name1, Name2 ...  Name7. 

You wont want to miss it! 

Join Us!

Next Competition

February 18, 2020

7:00 pm

Judge: Brittany App